Winning In The Market Place

Learn how to consistently pick quality trades
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About course

Winning In the Market Place is so much more than the typical getting started in the stock market program.  It is in entire start to finish syllabus that will take you from wherever you are starting, to the level of a competent consistent and profitable trader.

Layering up from the basics through to high level trading skills, you will enjoy a learning journey that will set you up with the financial skills to live life on your terms, with your money working for you, rather than you working for money.

Throughout this comprehensive Tier One training, you will learn the skills, tried and tested techniques as well as practical life hacks that enable professional traders make consistent multi-million dollar decisions with no emotion.
of interactive learning


Tapping into decades of professional trading, we fully understand that if you are going to learn how to trade, then make sure you learn it once, learn it right and live off that knowledge for the rest of your life.
Section 1
  • Course Introduction
  • My Journey
Section 2
  • Session Introduction
  • The Three Decision Points
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Introducing Charts
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Reading And Understanding Charts
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Slicing and Dicing Your Charts
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Moving Averages
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - The RSI
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis- Understanding Volume
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Using On Balance Volume
  • Foundations of Technical Analysis - Get It Clear and CORRECT Your Trade Management Spreadsheet
Section 3
  • Technical Analysis - Indicators In Summary
  • Technical Analysis - The Indicator Rabbit Hole
  • Technical Analysis - The Indicator Family
  • Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Trading The Break Out
  • Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - The Golden Finger Print
  • Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Trading The Break Down
  • Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Using Interim Fatigue
  • Technical Analysis - Technical Set Ups - Negative Divergence on RSI 9
Section 4
  • Fundamental Analysis - Fundamentals Introduction
  • Fundamental Analysis - The Top Down View
  • Fundamental Analysis - The Economic Cycle
  • Fundamental Analysis - Bottom Up Investing
  • Fundamental Analysis - Sector Rotation
Section 5
  • Quants - Introduction to Quants
  • Quants - P/E ratio and Valuations
  • Quants - Implied Volatility
  • Quants - Reporting and announcements with Implied Volatility
Section 6
  • Bringing it all together
  • Module Close
Section 7
  • Session Introduction
  • Risk - Diversification
  • Risk - Position sizing
  • Risk - Averaging Down
  • Risk - Introduction to stops
  • Risk - Types of Stop Losses
  • Risk - Adjusting your Stop Loss
  • Risk - Buying Puts
  • Risk - Challenges and Risk
  • Module Close
Section 8
  • Session Introduction
  • Orders - The key elements
  • Orders - The Key Data Points
  • Types of Orders - Basics
  • Types of Order - Advanced
  • Working Orders
  • Short Selling
  • Know the Game you are playing - Order Placement
  • Module Close
Section 9
  • Session Introduction
  • Understanding Human Needs
  • The Right kind of goals
  • Personal Maintenance
  • Record Keeping Overview
  • Record keeping SPREADSHEET
  • Record Keeping – Your Safety Belt
  • Record Keeping – Advanced Analysis
  • Enhancing Trader Performance
  • Journaling
  • Journaling for Day Traders
  • Managing Your
  • Module Close
Section 9
  • Introduction to Building Your Business Plan
  • Self Examination
  • Develop Your Plan 
  • Business Process Management
  • Sample Plan
  • Sample Plan: Opening Range Breakout
  • Sample Plan: Covered Call
  • Sample Plan: Break Down
  • Session Close


Confirmation of your ability to trade and earn money from it!